When it comes to acquiring a luxury handbag for investment, only a small number of brands can compete with Chanel. Not only are classic flap bags a wardrobe favourite, but they are still growing in popularity.
That being said, when you’ve already committed to purchasing a Chanel bag, it may be challenging to assess which model will suit your needs. You can find out which Chanel handbag to purchase in this article.
Is a Chanel bag worth it?
The future increase in value of a Chanel bag is what sets the brand’s products apart from other luxury handbags. Chanel raises their rates significantly every six months to a year, but if you wish to sell in the meantime, you can most definitely earn back what you paid, if not more.
Purchasing a collectable, unique or limited edition Chanel bag is a smart move, not just for the elegance and style, but because the handbag’s value is certain to increase with time. It’s also a good idea to think about the hardware on your bag.
While a bag with a lot of differentiating and unique factors can be enticing, it may be far more challenging to sell when the time comes. If you plan to resell the bag or use it as an investment item, stick with more traditional models that have a classic chain and recognizable interlocking CCs.
Which leather should I get?
It is critical to choose the kind of leather that is ideally suited to you and your lifestyle. Caviar and lambskin are the two most popular types of leather you’ll come across on a Chanel bag.
When it comes to caviar leather, it has a pebbled texture. This is more resilient than lambskin owing to its potential to tolerate more wear and tear. It is not as readily scratched as lambskin leather. It is less vulnerable to water, but if left unprotected, it can still suffer from water damage. It is without a doubt Chanel’s most durable leather.
Lambskin leather, on the other hand, has a very smooth buttery touch and has a distinctly glossy look. It’s also delicate. Avoid anything that will scratch or mark the leather. It is also water-sensitive and can be damaged, so keep the bag with the chains inside to prevent scratching. The puffiness of the patterned lambskin will deflate over time. This is the most luxurious of the Chanel leathers.
Which style bag would suit my lifestyle?
One of the factors that have made Chanel competitive in the market for so long is the firm’s focus on creativity and the discovery of new methods to develop their goods. This has resulted in the emergence of a large catalogue of fashion pieces and handbags from which buyers can select.
Chanel handbags are crafted for a range of purposes, ranging from compact purses designed to hold your essentials to big bags with ample room to suit your needs. Furthermore, their pieces are usually available in a variety of distinct colours and leathers, but it ultimately falls down to personal taste.
Choose the handbag that best suits your needs, represents your style, and is not too expensive. It is also a great idea to look into how the bag will sit on your personal frame, a long strap bag would not be suitable for a shorter stature likewise a short strap bag may not be suitable for a taller stature.
Which Chanel bag will be the best investment?
Chanel handbags maintain their worth overall, although this naturally relies on how often they were used and the shape they are in. The quality of their design and general condition decide how much market value they may hold.
Since they are made of durable leather and metal, the bags will remain in excellent shape even after years of use. It all relies on how much the customer has cared for their bag since this will have a significant effect on the physical state.
Many Chanel models, usually more prevalent and chic models such as the classic flap bag and boy bag, have seen a significant increase in retail price in recent years.
What is the most affordable Chanel bag?
The most affordable Chanel bag is the Wallet on Chain bag. The size of this bag is quite small and it can even be considered a small leather pouch, but most often it is used as a handbag.
Since the size of this bag is smaller than other Chanel bags, this item is also priced at a lower price point compared to the other bags. As a general rule, if you want to buy an affordable Chanel bag, or if you are looking for an inexpensive option, go for a Chanel bag that is smaller in size, whether it’s a Wallet on Chain bag or any other style.
Should I buy a used or new Chanel bag?
The most important thing to consider when buying your first Chanel bag is the growing amount of counterfeits on the market. Unless you’re a specialist in Chanel bag authentication, the safest strategy is to buy from a reliable vendor.
A variety of companies threaten to dupe uninformed customers out of their money by uploading pictures of authentic bags and delivering fake ones. When shopping with companies you don’t know, proceed with great caution.
Recommendations for your first Chanel bag:
Chanel Square Mini
Chanel’s utterly stunning bag is bound to turn heads wherever you go. It has a unique and traditional Chanel appearance, rendering it extremely desirable. The silver or gold hardware compliment the leather so well. This tiny bag is incredibly unique and widely searched after in the world.
Chanel Rectangle Mini
The Chanel Mini also comes in a Rectangular shape. This bag is crafted from the finest of leather and accented with metal hardware. The traditional flap bag is the right size for all your essential items, and you can wear it over the shoulder or across your body as well.
Chanel WOC
This model, which is designed like a mini Classic flap on a chain, preserves much of the trademark Chanel style in a sleek and fashionable product. It goes with virtually any outfit and can be held in your hand like a purse or strapped crossbody. The Wallet on Chain is a common first Chanel bag since it is considerably less costly than its larger counterparts while maintaining the same exquisite design, quality levels and attention to detail.
Now that you know more about the different types of Chanel bags out there, you’ll be able to find one that meets your demands. The best place to buy used Chanel bags is from a reputed seller such as a pawnbroker or pawnshop. Good luck with your luxury handbag purchase!